- Historical renovation to a Cornish Art Colony house in Cornish, NH
- Historical Contemporary home under construction in Etna, NH based on plans from a Midwestern architect
- Historical Second addition for a returning customer in Etna, NH
- Historical Garage renovation and shed addition to support solar energy project for a returning customer in Hanover, NH
- Historical Butternut wood trim installation on the interior of an existing home in Etna, NH
- Historical Second floor energy retrofit on a small house in Norwich, VT
- Historical Third project for returning customers of a second home in Woodstock, VT for a garage addition and connector

- Historic house addition and renovation in the village of Norwich
- Historic house Addition and renovation in Hanover
- Historic house New custom maple kitchen in West Norwich
- Historic house Bathroom renovation in rural home
- Historic house Thetford bungalow addition and renovation
- Historic house renovation of custom woodwork elements for barn cupola

- New Hanover home contract in works for design by Bernie L. Benn Architects, continuing a 40-year long relationship
- Concrete plank system for innovative garage/apartment addition in Hanover for Haynes & Garth waite Architects
- Large scale window replacement project in New London commenced, New York architect Robert Miller Foundation and slab installed for new garage in Norwich

- Our new website is launched! Please check back to read about Porter news, updates, and progress on our ongoing projects.
- New foundation poured in Norwich, framing commencing
- Custom ash kitchen fabricated and installed in Norwich
- Ground breaking in Hanover for addition
- Barn in Etna permitted for construction
- Four supervisors achieve lead abatement certification
- Cody Covey returns to Vermont Technical College for his senior year in construction management after his second year of summer internship in the field